
在書店 之二

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A:Do you have a good English-Chinese dictionary? B:Sure. How about this one? A:Is this the latest edition? B:Yes. We have both the paperback and the hardcover. A:What’s the difference? B:The hardcover is more expensive. A:Oh! I see. I’ll have the paperback, please. 甲:你們有沒有好的英漢字典? 乙:當然有。這一本如何? 甲:這是最新版本嗎? 乙:是的。我們有平裝本和精裝本。 甲:有什麼差別呢? 乙:精裝本比較貴。 甲:噢!我明白了。請給我平裝本的。 (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社) (點閱次數:1751)